Saturday, December 31, 2005

2005 in Review

What a great year!

First it was Sweeney Todd at Foothill Music Theatre.
Then it was the One Act Festival at Foothill.
Directing Pear Slices at the Pear, that was great.
Then Brigadoon where I got to play Jeff.
And finally, the theatrical experience of my life so far, West Side Story at AMTSJ.

I feel very fortunate.

I hope you have a wonderful 2006.

Friday, December 30, 2005


A week up in the mountains and it rains and rains and rains. We stopped rehearsing Over the Tavern for a week because of the the holiday. I really want to get back and get into it again.

I can't believe it's almost the year 2006. The older I get, the faster the years just whip by. It's quite surreal.

I really wanted to be in Gypsy at AMTSJ but I didn't get cast. It's one of my favorite shows.